Monday, June 23, 2008

Conner's teeth!

Well - school is finally out and the hot weather is here. The kids have had fun in the splash parks and playgrounds that we have went to. All of the kids are signed up for the Summer reading programs and ready to read and play. This week Grandma and Grandpa Brown are here to entertain the kids while I am off to Girl's Camp tomorrow. Conner and Cadin started soccer practice and their first game is this week. Conner lost tooth #4 at church of all places. We were waiting for Ken to have a ten minute meeting which turned to thirty after church and Conner said his tooth was loose. I figured there was no better time so I got toilet paper and he pulled at his tooth. Ken came out of his meeting and Conner had a surprise to show him. Conner was telling everybody that was still at church about his tooth. Although, the tooth fairy didn't see Conner lose his tooth because we were at church and not at home so it took until night #2 to take the tooth away. Ooops! He loves sticking his tongue through his little hole in his mouth. The boys also got summer buzz cuts.
Conner lost tooth #3 and he was so excited.


Jandy Lou said...

Have a BLAST at girls camp...i wish it were me going!!! Tell the kids congrats on the does Sabrina take all of this? Does she wonder when her's is going to fall out? Tell everyone Hi...we miss you guys!!!

Tracey said...

I just found your blog from Joe.