Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Slowly, but surely

We are slowly getting everything fixed again. The lightning traveled through our phone line and fried the internet modem and our ethernet card in the computer. The sound does not work so it may have done damage there also. Our dish receiver was fried and had to everythig replaced except for the dish itself. The converter box in the house is not working so a new one will be put in tomorrow which means that we will have TV again. The weather is not cooperating though since it is creeping up into the 90's and it is supposed to be 106 by this weekend. I am hoping it will be fixed very soon. My week has been spent calling people about the damage or waiting for the people to come fix something. Last Saturday there was a city water line that broke and flooded a corner of our yard and the city had to dig down to it and fix it. They said that it was not from the lightning, but just bad timing with everything else out. That also meant no water for four hours. Our neighbor was nice and let us use her bathroom and drinking water while ours was turned off. The kids have been entertained by all the repairmen coming by and they watched intently as they dug down to the water line. We all had a family moment watching them repair the line and chilled outside eating chips especially since our house was hot inside. It is kind of intriguing seeing what the lightning affected and what it didn't. I have pictures of the roof and there is also a crack in the boy's wall from the lightning as well that I will post later. I have not tried that part of the computer to see if works yet. The kids finish swimming lessons this week. I don't think their teachers believed them when they told them that their house got struck by lightning.


Anonymous said...

NICOLE!! THAT IS AWFUL!! I am so glad that everyone is ok!! Who would ever expect something like that!

...for all eternity said...

This is the craziest thing ever! I'm glad everyone is OK too, but this is such a pain in the neck!