Monday, March 8, 2010


Brenna is now 10 months old. She loves to stand on her own and twirl her hands. She loves to clap and wave to anyone that looks at her. She will walk by shaking her shoulders which in turn makes her legs move forward like she is doing a jig. Her favorite thing to eat is paper. She took a bite out of Conner's spelling words last week. Conner could use the excuse to his teacher that his sister ate his homework. She has had legos, paper, food, fuzzy's and amything else that she can find taken out of her mouth. She also crawls as fast as she can when she sees the laundry basket and loves to pull the laundry out fast as I can fold them. Her brothers and sisters love to chase her and say "I am going to get you" then she squeals and crawls as fast as she can to get away.

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